A new photo of the beautiful city of Canterbury in Kent and surrounding area every day.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Died at 1300 years old.

On the 15th October 1987 metereologists predict rain and strong winds but by midnight they realise that it wasn't just another storm. It was the biggest storm Britain had seen since 1709 and claimed 16 lives. 15 million of trees perished on the storm and one of them was this yew tree in Chilham Church.
It had been there for over 1300 years but in that fatal night it fell and died.


Jilly said...

How sad. How moving. I must have seen this tree in my time.

GeneMarine said...

Think of all of the long bows that this tree has provided to the English archers over all of her years.....

Rosie said...

If you ever went to the Church in Chilham you passed it.

Well pointed out. People tend to associate Yew trees with churches, rebirth and fight against evil and many know that the best long bows were made from Yew.

Anonymous said...

15 million trees were lost in one night? That is tragic. Imagine all those who saw this particular tree during it's lifetime.

Greyhound Girl said...

I don't think I've ever seen a "tombstone" for a tree before...