A new photo of the beautiful city of Canterbury in Kent and surrounding area every day.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Theme Day: Big

Fancy a cup of tea?
Oops... the cup is too big!
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Leif Hagen said...

I wonder how many liters of tea could be poured into those BIG tea cups?! A BIG amount!

Amy said...

Oof, that's a lot of tea. Makes me think of the spinning teacups at Disneyland. I could definitely not drink that much tea and then ride the teacups. :)

Beautiful, colorful photos!

Ms M said...

Lovely depiction of "big" :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fill that with coffee and I'm ya gal. Tom Petty Video comes to mind.
good to see you back, and I thought I went awol for a long time.

Jilly said...

Too funny! Just waiting to be photographed for today's theme.

Hilda said...

Heehee! Cute!

VP said...

These are really my cup of tea, no better coffee... Nice choice for Theme Day!

Ham said...

I don't beleive it is actually possible to have a cup of tea that is too big, but that might be a challenge.

John said...

Hi Rosie, Great photo's of an Hybrid Tea Roses. Ha Ha.

Mo said...

ha these are great

Volmon said...

Does the red one go faster?

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Petrea Burchard said...

Hi Rose, busy lady. I'm glad you're still out there and doing well.

Louis la Vache said...

Ah! How "Alice in Wonderland!"

MmeBenaut said...

I adore this one Rose. I'd love one of those cups as a plunge pool!

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