A new photo of the beautiful city of Canterbury in Kent and surrounding area every day.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Beautiful Flowers

This is that time of the year when we find beautiful flowers every where.
This one I found in Leeds Castle.


Ms M said...

I love the variegated shades of red and pink.

Tammie Lee said...

lovely indeed!

Lena Moszkowicz said...

Dear Rosie,
Your pictures are wonderful. What camera u r using?
Lena xx

Laci said...

Great find!! It is really beautiful flower...

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amiga! Tens um espaço maravilhoso com lindas fotos, porém ficaria melhor se colocasses um tradutor.



Jane Hards Photography said...

I am so crap at taking flowers. This is a pretty hot pink blossom.

krishibid durlave roy said...

fair as a rose
green as grass
fresh as a rose
where there is life
there is hope.
krishibid durlave roy

CAid said...

nice post...