A new photo of the beautiful city of Canterbury in Kent and surrounding area every day.

Saturday 28 June 2008

Canterbury Castle

Plants will grow anywhere...


Anonymous said...

This sort of framing get me every time, Rose. Could that plant be a thistle? This stone-work looks quite old. This is a very pleasing photo. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love the setting. Great job!

Anonymous said...

This made me smile. It reminded me of that saying "bloom where you're planted." And the stonework does make a lovley frame.

Petrea Burchard said...

This is one of those situations where the photo presents itself and you, the photographer, allow yourself to see it. Thank you for seeing it and presenting it to us. There's very little lovelier than a pretty plant growing from a nook in an ancient stone wall.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose, Good One.If you had planted their, It would not grow. W

Marie Reed said...

Lovely shot! Hooray for plant power!